::as he’s walking through the room carrying the playskool little people house:: There’s a crazy man carrying this house!
Recent Posts
Sentence order
I need this (hat) to protect the sun from me.
Ian: time to go to bed. Dash: I don’t friggin’ wanna go to bed. Well, that solves that.
Dog psychic
Aphra was rolling about and happened to get hold of some of Cricket’s fur. Cricket turned around and looked at her. Dash narrated her thoughts: Cricket’s like, “What the heck?!”
Preemptively Polite
Me: May I have a bite of your bagel? Dash: Sure! ::take a bite:: Dash: You’re welcome for a bite of my bagel!
Toilet wisdom
We’ve been working on toilet training the little man and that raises all kinds of new questions. I overhead Dash whispering to himself what he’d learned; “Daddy and I have a penis and a bum but Mommy only has a bum.”
A goodie
While building our new patio furniture in was unwrapping lots of pieces and leaving a wake of tape, paper and padding all over the deck. Dash came up to me and asked “what is all this crap all over the place?” When I didn’t answer he asked much more politely; “what is all this darn it all over the place?”
My financial planner
“Mommy, time to lower your debt. Invest in hard assets!” Listen to the financial advice of the two year old? Or maybe stop listening to 1010 in the car?
The mixing up continues
“We have to get a new dobnor for this!” “..what? What do we need?” “A new dobnor!” He means doorknob. Also, he got a new brushteeth the other day and threw the old brushteeth away.
“How’s your orange?” “I put it in my mouth and ump it.”