Dashiell's a wealth of knowledge.

Recent Posts

Marathon Training

One of his current favourite things to do is run up and down the hall and say that he’s training for a marathon. Now he’s getting critical of his own training. “I’m running too slow. My marathon is too slow.”

Put your pants in the drier

While on our nightly travel to bed we passed by Mommy and Daddy’s bed which was full of clean laundry waiting to be folded. So Dash definitely would have to fall asleep in his own bed tonight. After a valiant effort of tossing and turning and sobbing, he laid out the perfect argument; “You have to put your pants in the drier Daddy, so I can sleep...

Getting ready for dinner

At my mom’s, there is only room for 2 (of 4) chairs at the table when she’s not having company. Thusly, she keeps one of the other chairs in her room and when it’s time for dinner, I usually go into her room and grab that chair. Tonight, Dash disappeared and Ian and I were wondering where in heck he had run off to. Ten seconds later he...

How to get a baby

Dash was saying hi to Aphra. I said ” Do you like her?” and he said “Yeah. You bought her at the hospital.”


Dash got sent a present from my Aunt & Uncle. He ran to the kitchen saying “Need scissors, daddy!” Mind you, Ian gas already pulled the scissors out and told Dash so. “You’re a good guy, daddy.”

Random Exclamations

“I like Cheerios!” “This is a street light! I can’t see the sun!”

Cheese please!

I made mac n cheese tonight, and when the pieces of cheese got too small to grate I gave them to Dash. I was explaining that it was Gouda cheese and had two pieces, so I told Dash to go give a piece to Ian. “Here’s some cheese daddy. It’s (pause)… Goudie! Goudie cheese.”

If I want to

“I want more banana!” “We don’t have any more banana. Is there something else you want?” “You can get me apple if you want.” Oh, can I really?

Road rage

Message from Ian sent as he and Dash are on their way to swimming Let’s go, jerks! Dash inherited the road rage gene.

Waah Style

Dash ::running around upstairs:: Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Me: What are you doing, Dash? Dash: I’m doing waah! Oh.