How to tell when your toddler is doing something he shouldn’t be: curious about the noises you’re hearing, you say “Dashiell, what are you doing?” The question is answered by more sounds, hurried and desperate, and the response “I’m putting it back now!”
Recent Posts
Don’t like the big bed
Sometimes Dash tells us “Don’t like the big bed!” Today, he didn’t say anything. But when we came upstairs an hour after he’d been put to bed, we discovered that the feeling remains; he’d gotten out of his bed and climbed into our bed, and was dead asleep on Ian’s pillow.
Safety first!
Going up the stairs, Dash really like to hold the railing and to announce it. Today he said “I holding railing!” and paused and looked around at me. “Mommy, hold railing too please.”
Good advice
Daddy, don’t sleep on the slide.
I asked Dash what he was going to do Monday (we had a conversation Friday about going to the horse show). His response? “No, not gonna do it Monday. Gonna do it Tuesday.” Apparently procrastination is instinctual.
Horses on the brain
For some reason, every time we turn a particular corner on our way home from daycare, Dash starts talking about his horsey friend Logan. He had a whole conversation with himself in the car. “Want to go see Logan. I want to give Logan a treat. Logan eats candy. Want to ride a pony someday! For sure I ride a pony someday.”
Not being gotten
One of my newer favorites is when he is trying to avoid going to bed. He’s started running away / running to me yelling “No daddy don’t get me!” when he knows it’s ‘that time.’
Da Dip
How to do da dip “When you dip, I dip too!” Also “Cricket dip too?”
Full bladder
Dash was in the way of the door when I was trying to get out to the outhouse this morning. You can’t mess with a pregnant lady’s pee schedule, little dude! Anyway, the following exchange ensued. Mommy: can you get away from the door, Dash? Dash: No, I don’t get away from the door. Mommy: Dash, I need to pee. Please move. Dash: No! Mommy...
The many activities of bunny
Bunny has been a busy dude on the way to the cottage so far. So far “Bunny’s yucky!” (Dash had spit up some of his bagel on Bunny) “Bunny’s all clean now!” (after I wiped Bunny off with a baby wipe) “Bunny’s a hat!” (while wearing Bunny on his head) “Bunny’s pooping!” (…)...