Dashiell's a wealth of knowledge.

Horses on the brain

For some reason, every time we turn a particular corner on our way home from daycare, Dash starts talking about his horsey friend Logan. He had a whole conversation with himself in the car. “Want to go see Logan. I want to give Logan a treat. Logan eats candy. Want to ride a pony someday! For sure I ride a pony someday.”

Not being gotten

One of my newer favorites is when he is trying to avoid going to bed. He’s started running away / running to me yelling “No daddy don’t get me!” when he knows it’s ‘that time.’

Da Dip

How to do da dip “When you dip, I dip too!” Also “Cricket dip too?”

Full bladder

Dash was in the way of the door when I was trying to get out to the outhouse this morning. You can’t mess with a pregnant lady’s pee schedule, little dude! Anyway, the following exchange ensued. Mommy: can you get away from the door, Dash? Dash: No, I don’t get away from the door. Mommy: Dash, I need to pee. Please move. Dash: No! Mommy...

The many activities of bunny

Bunny has been a busy dude on the way to the cottage so far. So far “Bunny’s yucky!” (Dash had spit up some of his bagel on Bunny) “Bunny’s all clean now!” (after I wiped Bunny off with a baby wipe) “Bunny’s a hat!” (while wearing Bunny on his head) “Bunny’s pooping!” (…)...

The Charming Man

Non polar

Dash: I love you mommy! I love you daddy! I love you! Daddy I love you! Mommy I love you! Us: aww, isn’t that nice. We love you too buddy! Dash: No, I don’t like you either! Mommy: Are you bipolar? Dash: No! I’m not polar!

The wonderful thing about Tigers

We have a little puppet Tigger that my Aunt & Uncle gave to Dash when he was born. It lives in our room on the bed post, and every once in a while Dash will want one of us to put on a little show with him. Like this morning. Dash: Mommy put on tiger. Mommy: His name is Tigger! Dash: pause “It’s not Tigger anymore. It’s Tiger!”...

The Many Faces of Goober

You might remember a little while ago that Sneakers was ‘Fat Goober.’ This morning, Dash was trying to fed his breakfast to a picture of a cat on the kitty litter box. Dash: Eat it! It’s yummy! Me: Whatcha doin’, Dash? Feeding your breakfast to the kitty? Dash: Feed my breakfast to kitty! Hi White Goober! Eat it! So yes, the mainly white...
